
Miracles of lord muruga
Miracles of lord muruga

Pray to Lord Murugan to release you into the arms of Lord Siva by teaching you more about your Saivite religion."Įvery sentence is a possible talk here so I have to choose them well. Pray to Lord Murugan to make you a spiritual person. "Pray to Lord Murugan to unravel the great mysteries of the universe. But more often we just sense their presence, as we feel the warm rays of the sun when our eyes are closed." Many saints and devotees have had visions of Murugan and other Gods. When Murugan's blessings come into our life, we become a better person, more kind, disciplined and spiritual. He inspires penance, such as carrying kavadi during Tai Pusam, which softens karmas and purifies the mind. When we connect with Murugan, we have to be ready to change, for He brings a dynamic energy. He is said to love bamboo groves and hilltops, and His vahana is the proud and beautiful peacock. Devotees look to Him for healing of the body and mind, and for strength to face life's challenges. Murugan is especially loved by Tamil Saivites, who believe He guides their culture and history. He is the authority behind the king (nowadays, any government which rules the people), there to see that justice is done and peace prevails. Lord Murugan caries a vel, or spear, representing the power to overcome darkness and ignorance. He brings detachment, willpower and contentment, and His blessings strengthen our meditations. Majestically seated on the manipura chakra, this red-hued God blesses mankind and strengthens out will when we rise to higher consciousness through sadhana and yoga. Also known as Karttikeya, Kumara, Skanda, Shanmukhanatha and Subrahmanya, He is worshiped not only by Hindus but by Buddhists as well, in China, Japan and other countries. His electric power awakens spiritual wisdom to propel souls onward in their evolution to Siva's feet. He is the second son of Siva, born of His divine mind. "Murugan is the God of religion and yoga. This morning we're reading from Path to Siva, Lesson 27. Feeling the energy of the deity is stronger during festivals such as Skanda Shashti.


If you do kavadi in the right spirit, to get the full blessing, have in mind specific misdeeds, apologize to the deity, learn from it, promise to do your best. Murugan inspires penance to soften karmas and purify the mind, chitta-shuddhi. "Pray to Lord Murugan to unravel the great mysteries of the universe." When we get emotional we lose touch with our wisdom. The blessings of Lord Murugan awaken wisdom which resides in his chakra.

Miracles of lord muruga